TikTok: The New Search Oasis!

PLUS: 🍨Navigating Google's Email Waves

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🌊 Navigating Google's Email Waves: A Marketer's Guide

Google is navigating the seas of email with tightened rules set to roll out next month. For marketers, this means adjusting their sails to ensure a smooth journey through these upcoming changes. Google's focus is on reducing spam and elevating email security.  

Here's what marketers need to know:

1️⃣ Unyielding Authentication:

  • If your daily email count exceeds 5,000, authentication is a must. Utilize SPF, DKIM, or DMARC protocols to validate your email's origin.

  • Authentication isn't just a requirement; it's a trust-building measure. Ensure your emails are reliable and trustworthy with robust authentication.

2️⃣ Streamlined Unsubscribe Process:

  • User-Friendly Opt-Out → Integrate a one-click unsubscribe option for recipients.

  • Gmail demands simplicity in the unsubscribe process, prioritizing user consent and fostering a positive sender-recipient relationship.

3️⃣ Steering Clear of Spam Waters:

  • Spam Threshold Adherence → Stay within Google's spam limits to prevent email filtering.

  • Crossing the spam limit jeopardizes email deliverability, potentially marking your emails as spam.

4️⃣ Ready for the Deadline:

  • Employ trusted email-sending services, maintain a clean and engaged email list, segment lists for targeted outreach, personalize content, and facilitate easy unsubscribing.

  • Even companies with smaller lists can benefit. Companies with 5,000+ subscribers must align with the new requirements by February to maintain effective communication channels.

The Bottom Line:

As Google charts a course for stricter email regulations, marketers should swiftly adapt their strategies. Following these guidelines ensures a continued presence in subscribers' inboxes, fostering reliable and effective communication channels. 


How does minisocial get you content that drives conversions?

By coupling micro-influencer activations with content creation. 

With minisocial it's simple: take 10 minutes to submit your brief and they'll handle all the nitty gritty for you by booking your project with hand-selected creators to get the right content for your brand.

minisocial has helped thousands of brands create UGC that converts, goes viral, and drives engagement. 

Join brands like Plant People, immi, Imperfect Foods, and Topicals and see results like

  • TikTok ads performing in the top 1% CVR

  • a 50% decrease in costs per add-to-cart

  • a 92% increase in organic video views

  • over a 30% increase in ROAS.


👉 TikTok's Transformation into a Search Engine Oasis

TikTok is more than a dance floor; it's metamorphosing into a search engine, particularly for the younger demographic. A recent Adobe study sheds light on a significant shift in user behavior, prompting businesses to reconsider their marketing approaches.

1️⃣ TikTok's Search Hub Momentum:

  • Search Preferences → 40% of consumers, with 64% of Gen Z and 49% of millennials, now utilize TikTok for their searches.

  • Acknowledge TikTok as more than a social app; it's becoming a preferred spot for information, spanning recipes to fashion. Notably, 10% of Gen Z favors TikTok over established search giants like Google.

2️⃣ Content Delivery and Trust Dynamics:

  • Unique Content Approach → TikTok stands out for its concise, personalized videos. The allure lies in tailored, story-style content.

  • Approximately 40% of Gen Z appreciates content personalized to their interests, fostering trust and credibility.

3️⃣ Business Embrace of TikTok:

  • Over 50% of business owners actively leverage TikTok, averaging 9 monthly posts.

  • Budget Allocation → Businesses allocate 15% of their marketing budget to TikTok. Influencer collaboration is a favored tactic, with 53% planning increased TikTok marketing investment despite challenges.

4️⃣ Evolution of Content Strategies:

  • TikTok users gravitate towards video tutorials (62%), reviews (39%), and personal anecdotes (38%).

  • Authentic Connection → Focus on creative tangential content, product reviews, and instructional videos to authentically connect with your audience.

The Bottom Line:

TikTok isn't merely a passing trend; it's a dynamic landscape. For marketers, it presents an authentic avenue to connect with a younger audience. Embrace TikTok's search potential, understand its content dynamics, and stay adaptable to maintain relevance in this ever-evolving space.

That’s all for today! While we curate another Viral Scoop tomorrow, feel free to let us know how you felt about today! And share this with someone who’d love it.🥰