Pinterest Commerce for the win?

PLUS: 🍨 Essential Insights on AI's Role in Retail

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And then you find they’ve received the sales but not processed them 🥲

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📍 Maximizing Pinterest Potential: Key Strategies for CMOs

Leveraging Pinterest effectively involves optimizing product listings within the app, a vital aspect for both emerging and established brands. This enhancement not only improves your Pins' performance but also ensures a dynamic and interactive presence in the app.

Here are essential tactics to consider:

1️⃣ Detailed Metadata for Stronger Impact:

Pinterest highlights the importance of comprehensive metadata in your listings, encompassing elements like title, description, price, and category. Providing detailed, accurate information about each product can significantly boost your brand's visibility on the platform. In-depth metadata plays a pivotal role in influencing content suggestions, thereby affecting your brand's positioning on Pinterest.

2️⃣ Smart Keyword Usage:

Pinterest suggests adopting an SEO-like approach by incorporating pertinent keywords into your product titles and descriptions. Utilizing a combination of general and specific keywords can increase the chances of appearing in more search results. Utilizing Pinterest’s trend insights for relevant search terms and popular queries can enhance the discoverability of your product listings.

3️⃣ Thoughtful Product Groupings:

Effective categorization and thoughtful grouping of your products are key. Pinterest advocates for a broader categorization strategy to lead users to the most suitable products. By classifying products into various categories, you elevate their visibility in search results and shopping categories, targeting the appropriate audience more effectively.

4️⃣ Trusting Pinterest’s Algorithms:

Pinterest recommends minimizing restrictions in your shopping campaigns, suggesting a reliance on its algorithms for optimal exposure. While it might seem counterproductive, fewer limitations can actually lead to better campaign results. With Pinterest nearing 500 million users with a shopping mindset, harnessing the platform's algorithmic strength can be a game-changer for your strategy.


Adhering to these Pinterest-endorsed practices can lay the foundation for a thriving marketing strategy in 2024. As Pinterest continues to attract a vast audience of 500 million potential shoppers, tailoring your in-app product listings with these methods ensures a potent and successful online presence, bolstering engagement and sales. 🚀


🤯 New AI Lead Gen Tool Identifies Email Address of Your Visitors

What if we told you that you can Identify the email addresses of your anonymous website traffic?

A new AI-powered tool, Smart Recognition, has created the next evolution in lead generation. 

Rather than getting only 5% of your traffic via an opt-in form, you can now target and email most of your website traffic, growing your email list and revenue faster!

Here are just some examples of how you can use this:

  • Capture the email addresses of up to 40% of your anonymous website Traffic. 

  • Email an irresistible offer to prospects browsing your site.

  • Send abandoned cart emails to people who don't complete checkout.

  • Add those email addresses to Meta remarketing audiences.

Curious to see how much of your anonymous website traffic you can identify? Get Started with Smart Recognition


💡 AI Revolutionizing Retail: Enhancing Customer Interaction & Shaping Shopping Habits

In the rapidly evolving retail sector, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming a pivotal force in reshaping customer experiences, with platforms like TikTok leading the charge in generative AI applications. For marketers, it's essential to grasp the profound impact of this technological shift.

Essential Insights on AI's Role in Retail:

1️⃣ AI Chatbots Transforming Online Retail:

  • By 2026, eMarketer predicts nearly a quarter of retail sales will occur online. AI chatbots are proving indispensable in managing this surge in online traffic, providing round-the-clock personalized customer service. In e-commerce, where bounce rates typically fall between 20-45%, chatbots function as virtual guides, helping reduce bounce rates and steering customers towards purchases.

2️⃣ Personalizing Customer Experience with AI:

  • The Baymard Institute highlights a staggering 70% cart abandonment rate in U.S. online shopping. AI chatbots play a crucial role here, stepping in to tackle abandoned carts with timely assistance or attractive discounts. Their strategic deployment at checkout points facilitates live interactions, offering immediate support and potentially converting browsers into buyers.

3️⃣ TikTok's Innovative AI Integration:

  • TikTok is actively experimenting with practical AI applications to boost user engagement. ByteDance’s StreamVoice, capable of voice replication from minimal input, is set to revolutionize audio content creation. Additionally, TikTok's foray into features like shoppable posts underscores its proactive use of AI to enrich the shopping experience.

Broader AI Applications in TikTok's Shopping Experience:

  • Beyond voice technology, TikTok is exploring various generative AI tools, including AI-generated profile images, contextual searches, AI music composition, text-to-video features, and AI chatbots.

  • Its initiative to make all posts shoppable is in line with TikTok’s role as a discovery hub. Advanced AI algorithms are being used to personalize shopping experiences, showcasing products aligned with user interests, influencing new consumer behaviors, and seamlessly integrating AI to augment shopping interactions.

Conclusion: The convergence of AI in retail and social media is ushering in a transformative era. This amalgamation is paving the way for highly personalized experiences and innovative functions, fundamentally redefining how customers engage and interact in the retail space.

That’s all for today! While we curate another Viral Scoop Tomorrow, feel free to let us know how you felt about today! And share this with someone who’d love it