Collab Ads running Fab!

PLUS: 🍨Ad going bad ( Metrics compared 23’ VS 24’ )

Hey there Scooper 🍨

Ready for another day of staying ahead of the competition in the Virality race?

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🚀 Maximizing Brand Reach with Authentic Creator Collaborations

Creators are pivotal in bridging the gap between brands and audiences. With creator marketing investments poised to reach $5.8 billion by 2024, understanding consumer attitudes toward sponsored content is vital for crafting impactful marketing strategies.

👥 Consumer Insights on Creator Content:

Creators are influential, with 42% of viewers watching their tutorials and 41% viewing product reviews. This influence is a boon for brands, especially as 87% of users are open to seeing brand-sponsored content. This sentiment is particularly strong among Snapchat users, revealing the platform's potential for brand engagement.

🛠️ Crafting Strategic Creator Marketing:

Build Trust with Authenticity:

  • Engage with Truth: Empower creators to weave your products into their stories authentically, backed by evidence.

  • Life's Real Stories: Encourage creators to share their real-life experiences, reinforcing the audience's trust.

Transparency is Key:

  • Clear Sponsorship Labels: Employ Snapchat’s Paid Partnership Label and other clear indicators of sponsored content.

  • Honest Partnerships: Choose creators who are transparent about their collaborations, thereby strengthening user trust.

Value Honesty and Knowledge:

  • Choose Authentic Voices: Partner with creators who naturally align with your product, enhancing the authenticity of the content.

  • Expert Creators: Collaborate with creators who can provide factual, evidence-supported content, deepening consumer engagement.

Nurture Personal Connections on Snapchat:

  • Genuine Daily Content: Focus on creators who share their day-to-day life, connecting users to the brand on a personal level.

  • Authentic Engagement: Leverage Snapchat to develop campaigns that resonate with users' desire for authentic interactions.

🔑 Concluding Strategies:

For effective creator-led campaigns, brands should prioritize authenticity, transparency, and genuine relationships. Aligning with creators who share their true experiences and disclose sponsorships will unlock the full potential of creator marketing. Dive into Snapchat's unique environment to magnify your brand’s voice within the creator economy.


Get the Email Addresses of Up to 40% of your Anonymous Website Traffic

A New AI based Lead Gen Tool, Smart Recognition, identifies the email addresses of your anonymous website traffic.

Rather than only capturing 5% of your visitors via an opt-in form, you can now remarket and email most of your website traffic, growing your list and rev faster!

YES, this is CAN-SPAM compliant, and YES big brands are already using this technology to:

🥵Email an irresistible offer to prospects browsing your site.
🛒Send abandoned cart emails to people who don't complete the checkout.
🎯Add those email addresses to meta-remarketing audiences

See how much of your website traffic you can identify!


🔍 Ad Performance: January 2023 vs. January 2024

A comparative analysis of ad performance metrics from January 2023 to January 2024 unveils transformative trends that define the current challenges and opportunities within the performance marketing arena.

Yearly Metric Evolution:

A substantial increase in Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) coupled with a decline in Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) reflects the broader tribulations of performance marketing. This could be attributed to significant industry-wide shifts such as Apple's privacy measures, often termed the "boosted post-tax," and the anticipated obsolescence of third-party cookies.

TikTok's Competitive Landscape:

Despite TikTok's ad platform enhancements, the rise in CAC and the fall in ROAS indicate not a platform inefficiency but an escalation in competition. The influx of diverse advertisers, spanning novices to seasoned marketers, has intensified auction competition, affecting cost and performance metrics.

Google's Budget Allocation:

The spike in Google's CPMs is mirrored by a proportional increase in budget allocation. The inclination towards Google's search ads suggests a preference for perceived conversion reliability. However, this may reflect a simplistic view of consumer conversion paths and overlooks the multifaceted impact of ad spend.

CPC Trends Across Platforms:

A general uptrend in Cost Per Click (CPC) across primary platforms points to a confluence of factors: more advertisers vying for attention, diminished targeting efficacy, and growing consumer desensitization to ads. This necessitates more innovative and strategic marketing to cut through the noise.

Strategic Implications for Advertisers:

The data underscores the imperative for marketers to recalibrate strategies in light of evolving digital advertising dynamics. By adjusting expectations, diversifying marketing mixes, scrutinizing channel strategies, and engaging effectively with audiences, advertisers can better navigate these transformative times.

That’s all for today! While we curate another Viral Scoop for tomorrow, let us know how you felt about today! And share this with someone who’d love it.🥰